Tue. Dec 24th, 2024


A woman went back to her doctor after a series of face-lift sessions because she noticed hairs were growing on her neck and face. “I have never had hairs growing on my cheeks, not ever doc,” she complained. “How come that after your sessions, instead of making me look younger, it seems that I’m evolving into a monkey?” she continued.

“I’m sorry madam; I think it’s the skin on your armpits that have already moved up? What do you think?” the doctor explained.


As much as we tried and hope to deter old age, we could never stop the process of “growing old.” Thanks to the many advancement in our days that help delay the corruption decline of our bodies, but the truth is, we will continue to succumb to this law of decay. The Bible says, “Therefore we do not lose heart. Though outwardly we are wasting away, yet inwardly we are being renewed day by day,” and again it says, “While we live in these earthly bodies, we groan and sigh…we want to put on our new bodies so that these dying (decaying) bodies will be swallowed up by life.” 

Self-image, self-esteem, looks, and the like are the trend of our time. People nowadays would be willing to spend great amount of money just to stay young, look young, become thinner, tanner, whiter, taller, bigger, prettier, etc. Beauty products and its companions are a multi-billion dollar business in the world. Many are worrying how they can maintain youthfulness and stay forever young. While it is okay to desire to improve our appearances and do everything we can to preserve being young; nature and experience tell us that we will not stay “forever young”.

The moment a child is born also starts his/her journey towards growing old and older. How often did you hear somebody ask you on your birthday, “How young are you?” On the other hand how many people have asked, “How old are you?” Many have tried their best to try to hide their real age. I did. We call “white hairs” as “wisdom hairs.” We call wrinkles as “laugh lines.” Have you seen children who wish to be adults? They usually walk, talk and act like grownups, right? When my son was 3-year old, he always wants to wear his daddy’s shoes. When I asked him to refrain from doing it because he’s still young, and his feet are small; he would always reply, “I’m already big daddy.”

What about adults who tried to look young? What do they do? Of course we can make a list because we ourselves probably have tried it. I am not saying here that we don’t desire and do something to look younger (In fact if you will take a closer look in my picture at the upper right side of this blog, I bet you cannot tell my exact age, can you? Just kidding). I’m not trying to imply that we don’t need to do what could be done just to take good care of our physical bodies and appearances. We really need to and we must, because our body is the temple of the Holy Spirit who lives in all those who believe in Jesus.

What I want to remind you dear reader in our learning today is for you to be content with what God has created you to be: the shape of your nose, eyes, ears; the color of your skin, hairs, etc. If you have a chance and can afford it, go ahead and do that “total makeover” of yourself. But don’t waste your time worrying about it. Be happy in who you are and what you were created for. Appreciate God’s unique design for you as a person. Thank God for your height, body-built, complexion, voice and the like. Don’t waste your time trying to be somebody else. Don’t try to copy anyone or anybody. Every time you look at the mirror, don’t grumble saying, “I wish I could be like…” but rather thank God for making you as you. I hope our story today made you laugh.  If not, it’s okay. Just remember this truth, your real face value is not what they can see on your face. 

Q: Where do you exert more efforts in “keeping young”, towards outside appearance or your outlook in life?  And how?

By Rommel Atanque

Rommel Santiago Atanque is an entrepreneur by profession and a Pastor/Missionary by calling and passion. He loves to inspire his readers and let them realize that in every trial there is a purpose; in every test a testimony; and with the right perspective in life, one can still be happy every single day! He also authored the Live a Happy Life Books. A series of humorous books that make a lot of sense. He also shares the Gospel in today's context and lets God's Word bring joy and laughter to his hearers. He wants them to know that listening to sermons is not boring much less an antidote for sleeplessness. Married for 22 years to Jeralyn Ortiz Palabrica-Atanque with two teenagers Roj Gabriel 18, and Lyl Mikael 16. They had been missionaries in Cambodia for 7 years and are currently based in Iloilo City, Philippines, pastoring Connect Church.